Special consideration, adjustments and extensions

Check out your options if you are unwell or have special circumstances.

Special consideration, adjustments and extensions

To support student success, Swinburne University provides reasonable adjustments to assessment and exam arrangements.

The following table explains the types of adjustment available and who should apply.

If you have: Type of adjustment arrangement you can apply for:
A disability or long-term medical or mental health condition Equitable assessment arrangement (EAA)
Primary carer responsibility for a family member with a disability or long-term medical or mental health condition Equitable assessment arrangement (EAA)
An unavoidable cultural or religious commitment that falls on the day of a scheduled examAlternate assessment arrangement (AAA)
National or specialist commitments such as elite national-level sports or the defence reserveAlternate assessment arrangement (AAA)
An illness or other unavoidable exceptional circumstance that affects your preparation for an in-semester assessment task Extension of time for submission of assessable work (for applications made in advance for an extension of up to 7 days)
Unexpected short-term physical or mental ill-health, such as:
  • sudden and serious illness (e.g. glandular fever, severe asthma or severe migraine)
  • broken dominant hand
  • mental illness, such as depression
  • Extension (for applications made in advance, for an extension of up to 7 days), or
  • Special Consideration (for all other circumstances and types of assessment)
Other unexpected circumstances outside your control, such as:
  • a serious accident
  • hospital admission
  • unexpected carer responsibility for an immediate family member
  • death of a close family member
  • assault, family breakdown or being the victim of a crime
  • severe disruption of living arrangements
  • financial hardship, such as sudden loss of employment or income
  • Extension (for applications made in advance, for an extension of up to seven days), or
  • Special Consideration (for all other circumstances and types of assessment)