11 June 2021

So You Are a Bumiputera Student? Read On.

By P Michael

If we told you that there is a very simple strategy that could help make your future a bit more secure, would you be interested? We bet you would.

We know you know that quality education doesn’t come cheap. As an Australian university, Swinburne Sarawak’s tuition fees are considerable compared to local institutions of higher learning. But mind you, Swinburne’s tuition fees are more affordable than fees at other private foreign universities in the country.

So yeah, with all these money issues especially in these challenging times, the temptation to apply to a local university and just cruise along for the rest of your university education year for the sake of getting a degree is all too apparent.

But here’s the thing. Whatever university education you’re aiming for, don’t ever ghost your chance of securing any form of financial assistance. Trust us when we tell you to read on as it might just change your life.

You saw Swinburne’s tuition fees and instantly cringe, didn’t you? 
You’re not alone. Higher education tends to be expensive – quality education much more so. But there are some ways to go about those hefty tuition fees. You could fundraise (from your rich relatives perhaps?), take on a side job (which may take a while to see the end result), or you can just apply for the Yayasan Sarawak BP40 Bursary Scheme that is being offered through Swinburne Sarawak.

That’s right. Yayasan Sarawak or the Sarawak Foundation offers many types of financial assistance to Sarawakian Bumiputera students in this beautiful State of ours. With its mission of developing quality human capital in Sarawak, scholarships, study loans and grants are offered to students to pursue their education locally and abroad.

Through Swinburne, the government agency has been providing the BP40 Bursary Scheme to students since 2019. Surprisingly, bursary worth thousands of ringgit go unclaimed since the inception of this programme because no one applies for them. Some of this money could be YOURS!

Introducing BP40, the perfect bursary for you
Like playing the lottery, you can’t win if you don’t buy a ticket (a little reminder – lottery is haram in Islam). The bursary works the same way in that you have to put some effort to be awarded. If you don’t try, you’ll never know.

Through the BP40 bursary, students will have the opportunity to continue their higher education at the foundation, diploma or degree levels. It helps cover the costs of tuition fee at whichever level of study you’re enrolled into. For example, for a 12-month foundation course, with this bursary, the tuition fee is expected to be no more than RM5,500 a year. That’s a hefty reduction of approximately 70%! *faint*

You’re a little short of the required fee or you won’t be able to afford the living expenses? Not to worry as you’re also eligible to apply for a Yayasan Sarawak Study Loan which gives you RM4,000 allowance a year to cover your shortfall. With Yayasan Sarawak looking into your financial needs, you need not worry too much about your tuition fees. And when you are free from this kind of worry, you’re bound to do well in your studies.

And it doesn’t end there. The BP40 bursary also rewards you for passing your examinations with flying colours. How do you like the idea of getting a rebate of up to 75% on your loan once you’ve completed your studies? Another win for you!

Targeting students of Bumiputera Sarawak origin from low and middle income (B40 and M40) family background, this scheme is offered to only 100 Swinburne Sarawak students annually with a minimum requirement of CGPA 3.00. The scheme is also open to Sarawakian Bumiputera students from other institutions who want to transfer to Swinburne Sarawak.

Afraid of missing the BP40 boat? We know FOMO is real, so apply now! You might just be applicant number 88 *wink, wink*

Bursary? Scholarship? What’s the difference?
Glad you asked. A scholarship is usually offered to a student based on academic achievements and is a non-repayable financial support. On the other hand, a bursary is designed to assist students who meet a specific financial eligibility such as personal financial hardships. In this case, students whose family finances are within the B40 and M40 category. In addition, bursaries must be applied for.  

You are expected to pay back the loan you’ve received under the BP40 Bursary Scheme. But fret not because the duration and expected repayment amount are very manageable. Trust us. You’ll be surprised. 

Still stressing out because…it concerns money?
Our advice? Apply for the bursary as if your life depends on it. The main objective of the BP40 Bursary Scheme is to help Bumiputera students get the education they need to improve their lives and that of their community. While this may be another strategy for the State government to deliver skilled human capital in the fields of STEM for the State, the opportunity to flex your foreign university degree should be your motivating factor. I mean, who doesn’t want a quality Australian degree that could guarantee you a well-deserving job/career in the future especially since your degree is widely recognised by the State government for state-level jobs?

If you need to get in touch with us for more details, here are your options:

Our private online counselling sessions are also available on demand from Monday to Sunday, 10am to 10pm daily. All the best in your pursuit. We’ll be rooting for you!

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