
SwinSights is derived from the words ‘Swinburne’ and ‘Insights’. On this blog site, we share stories related to our students, graduates and staff; teaching and learning; research findings; university life; and what’s topical. All stories are originally written for SwinSights or taken by permission from other platforms where stories have been originally published.


SwinSights is derived from the words ‘Swinburne’ and ‘Insights’. On this blog site, we share stories related to our students, graduates and staff; teaching and learning; research findings; university life; and what’s topical. All stories are originally written for SwinSights or taken by permission from other platforms where stories have been originally published.



Strategies to Build Mental Strength

Swinsights is pleased to feature Dr Rebecca Lee Su Ping as a guest contributor this week. Success can mean different things to different people. For some, it might be acing exams and graduating with top honours. For others, it could …

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Burnout Getting To You? Empower Yourself!

Thursday, 29 August 2024

Addressing student burnout requires proactive approaches to managing stress and maintaining a healthy balance between academic and personal well-being. Burnout can undermine academic performance and personal

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Finding Balance: Burnout In Students

Friday, 23 August 2024

What exactly is burnout among students? Why is it becoming so widespread?The World Health Organization (WHO) defines burnout  as a condition with three main components:Emotional

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Understanding and Combating Burnout in Students

Friday, 16 August 2024

Burnout has become a critical issue that affects countless students, so understanding the root cause is important.The pressure to excel academically, balance extracurricular activities, and

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