Staff Profile

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Mr. Kevin Tan Tee Liang

Associate Dean, Accreditation and Curriculum Enhancement & Lecturer in Management and Accounting
Bachelor of Business (Accounting) (Swinburne), Master of Management (Swinburne)

Faculty of Business, Design and Arts

Office No: +60 82 260 925
Fax No:+60 82 260 815
Room No: B306
Google Scholar   Scopus  ORCID


Kevin is currently the Associate Dean, Accreditation & Curriculum Enhancement for the Faculty of Business, Design & Arts (FBDA). He leads the faculty’s accreditation and course management initiatives. His role in the development of the Diploma of Digital Media Design culminated in being recognized with the inaugural 2023 Swinburne Vice-Chancellor’s Fail Forward Award. Previously serving as the Academic Coordinator and Discipline Leader for Accounting and Finance courses, he obtained both his Bachelor of Business in Accounting and Master of Management from Swinburne.

He is also a prominent figure in the development of debate in the local community, playing many roles over the years as a regular participant, adjudicator, event 
organiser, and debate trainer. Currently serving as the Faculty Advisor to the Swinburne Debaters’ Club, his role in establishing the now Swinburne Sarawak Interschool Debating Championship led to receiving a high commendation from the Swinburne Vice Chancellor’s 2016 Community Engagement Award. Kevin was formerly a Finance and Audit Executive at a trading and distribution company, contributing toward the firm’s in accounting, marketing, human resources, and management business functions. 

Research Interests

  • Emotional intelligence and leadership effectiveness in a cross-cultural context: a study of the relationship in the Malaysian Multi-Cultural Workforce.

Teaching Areas

Kevin has taught in the fields of Accounting, Business, and Management at the Faculty of Business, Design, and Arts, SUTS. Though he has covered subjects relevant to Accounting and Management, he mainly manages Innovative Business Practice, a multidisciplinary DNA unit to the business courses, with emphasis on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Professional Development, as a pre-cursor to the undergraduate Capstone units/projects.


  • Winner, Vice Chancellor’s 2023 Fail Forward Award
  • Highly Commended, Vice Chancellor’s 2016 Community Engagement Award

Training and Consultancy

  • Consultancy: Project Title: Development of HR Policies & Procedures for YS International Education. July 2023. By YS International Education Sdn Bhd. (Completed)

  • Consultancy: Project Title: BE Sarawak Legacy Award preparation and applications. March 2023. By Business Events Sarawak. (Completed)

  • Consultancy: Project Title: Sarawak International Dragon Boat Regatta (SIDBR) and Sarawak Regatta (SR) Industry Player Survey 2017. February 2018. By Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture, Youth and Sports Sarawak. (Completed)

  • Consultancy: Project Title: Criteria and Guidelines for Self-regulation or Co-regulation Practices in the Malaysian Private Higher Education Sector. November 2016. By the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education. (Completed)

    Recent Media

      Research Output

      • Journal Article: Wong, T.A., Tan, K.T.L., Darmaraj, S.R., Loo, J.T.K., and Ng, A.H.H. (2024). Social Capital Development in Online Education and its Impact on Academic Performance and Satisfaction. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, ahead-of-print, Available at:

      • Conference Proceedings: Loo, J.T.K., Quah, H.C. Darmaraj, S.R., Tan, K.T.L., and Ramakrishnan, S. (2024). Factors Impact on Private Institution Nursing Students’ Perception and Satisfaction of the Clinical Learning Environment in Northern Region of Malaysia. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Research in Management and Technovation, Springer, pp.253-262. Available at

      • Journal Article: Tan, K.T.L., Voon, M. L., and Ngui, K. S. (2022). Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Effectiveness: A Critical Review for Future Research. Global Business & Management Research, 14. Available at:

      • Conference Proceedings: Wong, T.A., Tan, K.T.L., Darmaraj, S.R., Loo, J.T.K. and Ng, A.H.H. (2022). Social Capital development amongst college and university students in online and classroom education. Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, 34, pp.1-5. Available at:

      • Journal Article: Liau, S.Y.H., Sim, C.H. and Tan, K.T.L., (2019). Innovative use of digital badges to motivate students at higher education: current insights and avenues for further research. International Journal of Quality and Innovation, 4(3-4), pp.167-188. Available at:

        • Journal Article: Gupta, G., Tan, K.T.L., Ee, Y.S. and Phang, C.S.C. (2018). Resource-Based View of Information Systems: Sustainable and Transient Competitive Advantage Perspectives. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 22. Available at:

        • Journal Article: Namvar, M., Cybulski, J. L., Phang, C. S. C., Ee, Y. S., & Tan, K. T. L. (2018). Simplifying Sensemaking: Concept, Process, Strengths, Shortcomings, and Ways Forward for Information Systems in Contemporary Business Environments. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 22.  Available at:

        • Conference Proceedings: Tan, K.T.L. (2021), Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Effectiveness: A Critical Review for Future Research. Presented at the 14th Asian Academy of Management International Virtual Conference 2021, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang, Malaysia, 3-5 December 2021.

        • Conference Proceedings: Tan, K.T.L. (2020). Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Effectiveness in a Cross-cultural Context: A Study of the Relationship in the Malaysian Multi-Cultural Workforce. Presented at the 1st Swinburne Sarawak Post-Graduate Research Conference (SSPRC) 2020, Swinburne University of Technology, Sarawak, Malaysia, 17-18 September 2020.
        • Conference Proceedings: Tan, K.T.L. (2017). Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Effectiveness in a Cross-cultural Context: A Study of the Relationship in the Malaysian Multi-ethnic Business Society. Presented at the International Conference on Economics, Business, and Management Research (ICEBMR), Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 18-21 November 2017.