Politics and public policy
APO Analysis & policy observatoryA platform for public policy and practice research, sourced from organisations and publishers in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States, Europe, Canada and other countries. APO includes grey literature, journal articles and conference papers, data, audio and video, plus event, course and job listings. Established at Swinburne University of Technology in 2002, APO is updated daily.
Australian public affairs – full text (Informit)Full text database. Subject coverage: Australian current and social affairs, social sciences and humanities, media, economics, arts, law, politics, culture, literature, institutions and history.
- Emerald InsightOver 100 full text business journals. Subject coverage: accounting and finance, economics, human resources, organisational behaviour, management and operations, marketing, strategy and entrepreneurship.
- Military database (ProQuest)Full text database. Subject coverage: war, armed forces, military aircraft and defence, national security and terrorism, computer security, foreign policy, international relations, civil and aerospace engineering.
- Political science database (ProQuest)Full text database. Subject coverage: political science, international relations, environmental policy, human rights and migration.
- US history (Gale)Full text database covering the history of the United States of America.
- World history (Gale)This compilation of over 40 journals provides robust and balanced coverage of this field, useful both to the novice historian as well as to the advanced academic researcher.