A run to promote awareness on mental wellbeing and raise funds for the Group Home (formerly known as The Halfway Home), Mental Health Association of Sarawak Kuching Branch will be held on 3 November 2018 by Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus.
Over 30 from various organisations in Kuching participated in a mental health course jointly organised by Swinburne University campuses in Sarawak and Melbourne, and the Mental Health Association of Sarawak (MHAS).
Save the date! On 6 – 10 August, we are inviting three SUT (Hawthorne) staff; Assoc. Prof. Deirdre Barron, Prof. Blair Kuys & Prof. Allan Whitfield, to visit us at Swinburne Sarawak for the Intensive Research Training Week.
A delegation of seven representatives from Guro District Office in Seoul, South Korea recently paid a visit to Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus (Swinburne Sarawak).
Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus (Swinburne Sarawak) recently hosted a visit by the Danish Ambassador to Malaysia His Excellency Jesper Vahr.
Store and manage your references and create bibliographies in Word.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus (Swinburne Sarawak) and The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia, Sarawak Branch (IEM Sarawak Branch) has paved the way for collaborative relations between the two parties in areas such as industry-related research, engineering training and knowledge sharing.
Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus (Swinburne Sarawak) recently announced the appointment of Professor Ajay Kapoor as the university’s new Pro Vice-Chancellor (PVC) of Research.
As global demand across industries for graduates with degrees in ICT and computing continue to rise so is the interest from students who recognise this shift as the world moves into Industry 4.0.
Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus will be organising a series of Swinburne Open Day events nationwide, an opportunity not to be missed for prospective students to meet and talk to the university’s Faculty members and course counsellors about its courses.