Swinburne’s Sarawak campus is in the midst of a comprehensive campus upgrade with a number of construction and campus improvement projects progressing as 2020 unfolds.
Make recommended reading available to students.
Citation analysis is one indication of research quality. A range of tools are available to help you calculate the number of times your research has been cited by other researchers. Citation metrics are not an exact science. Always use citation …
Research data are a valuable resource and in many cases have significant value beyond their original use. There are many benefits to sharing research data: promotes the research and researchers that created the data can lead to re-use, discovery, and …
The School of Foundation Studies and ChildSafe Malaysia held a talk about “YouthSafe: Mental Health Awareness” on 11 September 2019.This talk was attended by Swinburne staffs, students, and several members of the public, which aims to encounter the challenges and …
The School of Foundation Studies and ChildSafe Malaysia organized a seminar entitled “ChildSafe: A Seminar for Parents” on 7 September 2019.In Malaysia, one in every ten children are sexually abused before they reach the age of eighteen and one in …
Established in 2000, Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus will celebrate its 20th anniversary next year.
Swinburne staff and students at the Sarawak campus in Malaysia are lighting the way to a sustainable future in rural communities.
Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Phuket Rajabhat University to develop academic, educational and cultural co-operation.