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Here you will find procedural information to guide the implementation of Swinburne policies. These procedures and guidelines need to be read in conjunction with the respective policy and framework documents.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer of Swinburne Sarawak Professor John Wilson said the commencement of the RM40 million reconstruction and extension works of the campus existing building and supporting facilities is timely as 2020 marks Swinburne Sarawak’s 20th anniversary.
Cambridge CoreFull text journals and ebooks published by Cambridge University Press covering a wide range of subject areas. Credo referenceIncludes over 500 encyclopedias, dictionaries and biographies. DART-Europe e-theses portal (Open Access)Collection of open access research theses from 619 Universities in …
ASCE libraryFull text journals and conference proceedings on all aspects of civil engineering, published by the American Society of Civil Engineers. ASME digital collectionFull text journals, conference proceedings and ebooks published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. AASB: Australian Accounting Standards …
AASB: Australian Accounting Standards Board (Open Access) Searchable official web site of The Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB), which is responsible for setting accounting standards for both the private and public sectors in Australia. American Institute of Mathematics : …
Australia/ NZ reference centre (EBSCOhost) Includes major Australian, New Zealand and international newspapers, AAP Australian national news wire and magazines. Australian public affairs – full text (Informit) Subject coverage: Australian current and social affairs, social sciences and humanities, media, economics, arts, law, politics, …
Academic OneFile (Gale) Full text multidisciplinary database. Subject coverage includes: physical and life sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities, business and management.Academic search complete (EBSCOhost) Full text multidisciplinary database. Subject coverage includes: social sciences and humanities, philosophy, psychology, law, astronomy, …