
Search result(s) for hr

Innovate Sarawak Design Competition 2020

The Innovate Sarawak Design Competition 2020 was a success for a team from Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus. Team MY310, which consists of electrical and electronic engineering students Peter Ling Ting Rang, Tsen Xin Hui and Sarah Jane Kho, …

Online Innovate Malaysia Design Competition 2020 (IMDC)

Two undergraduate Electrical and Electronics Engineering discipline’s students from Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak participated in the Online Innovate Malaysia Design Competition 2020 (IMDC) under the SAS Track award on 17th August 2020.Swinburne Sarawak students took first prize in the …

Communicable Diseases: Control and Response in Sarawak

As international travel increases, travellers are increasingly acquiring infectious diseases not endemic in their home countries. Sarawak is not known as a major hub for international trade and travel, but it is not spared from these disease outbreaks.Currently, we are …

How to Submit Work

Learn how to submit your work online or in-person

Marketing student’s poetry wins competition

The Swinburne Poetry Competition 2020 jointly organised by the School of Foundation and Swinburne Sarawak Library ran from 29 April till 22 May. Participants wrote three poems on a single theme of their own choice: Love, Sorrow, 21st Century Living. …

Paplets for Padawan School

Forty-seven paplets were donated to the students and staff at SK Pelaman Sidunuk, Padawan in March just before the Movement Control Order took place.Teacher Madam Ubok Baya had participated in a Next 100 Workshop for English teachers, organised by Swinburne …

No stopping Earth Hour

The Swinburne Sarawak Green Club’s Earth Hour Challenge took place on 28 March 2020, celebrating Earth Hour, when people all over the globe switch off their lights for one hour in an effort to promote awareness of the need to …

Congratulations! You’d Survived Your First Fully Online Semester

As our current students may have experienced, to survive online classes, there are a few simple guides to follow.

Ts. Dr Sheena Punai Anak Philimon

Google Scholar   ORCID ResearchGateBiographySheena Punai Philimon received her BEng (Hons) in Electronic Engineering and MEng in Electrical Engineering in 2014 and 2016, respectively. In 2020, she received her PhD in Electrical Engineering from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). …

Swinburne to hold virtual and on-campus Application Day

School-leavers who are keen to pursue an Australian quality education locally with Malaysian fees are invited to join the upcoming Swinburne Virtual Application Day and Swinburne Application Day (by appointment only).