Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus PhD student Dewi Widyastuti has won this year’s Swinburne Poetry Competition.
Google Scholar Scopus ORCID BiographyEvon received her Bachelor of Engineering majoring in Robotics and Mechatronics and PhD degree both from Swinburne Sarawak. While continuing her doctorate research, she worked as a teaching assistant in Swinburne Sarawak. After graduation, she worked …
Human Resource Management undergraduate student Ashleigh George shares on how to present your best self to potential employers through social media.
Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus researchers have made the university proud again by unleashing their academic and research strengths in the Innovation Technology Exposition 2022 (InTEX22) held at Pullman Hotel from 15 to 16 June 2022.
Google Scholar Scopus ORCID Biography Dr She Long (Adam) is current a lecturer at Faculty of Business, design & Arts. In addition to that, he also serves as an associate editor in Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration (Emerald; ABDC, ESCI, Scopus Q2). …
Do you know your rights as a data subject? Or do you know the responsibilities of a data user?
Graduates of Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus’ newly introduced Diploma of Accountancy can enjoy thriving career prospects in the fields of accounting, auditing, taxation, finance and general consulting.
What can Swinburne offer SPM school leavers to help them get ahead in life?
Learning and Teaching Unit Name Designation Contact Location Associate Professor Dr Bibiana Lim Chiu Yiong Head, Learning and Teaching Unit Direct line: 260 704 Ext: 7704 blim@swinburne.edu.my B409-B410 Serit anak Banyan Lecturer cum MPU Coordinator Direct line: 260 852 Ext: 7852 sbanyan@swinburne.edu.my …