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Job enquiriesFind contact details for individual jobs on the job listing and position description.Ask for further information about the job or follow up on a recently submitted application with this contact.Human Resources Room G3.07, 3rd Floor, Building G,Swinburne University of …

Alumni, industry experts to speak at Swinburne Sarawak Open Day

Speakers from the industry and alumni of Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus will speak on a variety of topics to guide SPM, STPM and UEC graduates in their career aspirations at the university’s Open Day on Saturday, 12 March.

Master of Science (Research)

A Master by Research degree enables you to demonstrate mastery of inquiry in a field of a discipline or profession.

Master of Engineering (Research)

A Master by Research degree enables you to demonstrate mastery of inquiry in a field of a discipline or profession.

Master of Business (Research)

A Master by Research degree enables you to demonstrate mastery of inquiry in a field of a discipline or profession.

Master of Business Administration (International)

Take charge of your career with Swinburne’s MBA(i) TODAY!

Master of Arts (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)

Designed to meet the demand of degree holders for a postgraduate degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).

Swinburne Foundation Studies (Information Technology/Multimedia)

Our IT course is designed to help you gain fundamental communication, mathematics and multimedia design skills and be introduced to areas of computer programming.

Swinburne Foundation Studies (Engineering/Science)

Designed to help you develop skills in communication, information technology and mathematics, and undertake units in physics, chemistry, and mathematics for engineering.

Swinburne Foundation Studies (Design)

Designed to help you develop academic and communications skill and learn essential design theory and how to apply practical skills in drawing, illustration and graphic design.