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Refers to expected behaviours and protocols that students should adhere during an exam. This includes guidelines on preparation, punctuality, and general behaviour during the exam.
Check out your options if you are unwell or have special circumstances.
Equitable assessment arrangements (EAA) are provided to accommodate students with a disability, medical or other condition. An EAA is an adjustment or alteration to the standard conditions or format of assessment. It can apply to any formal assessment task or …
Alternate assessment arrangements (AAA) may be provided if: an assessment item has been lost, stolen or damaged national or specialist commitments affect a student’s ability to undertake or complete assessment in the circumstances a student who has a scheduled exam …
If your preparation for an in-semester assessment task is affected by an illness or other extraordinary circumstance that is outside your control, you may apply in advance for an extension to the due date. Extensions are generally granted for up …
The purpose of Special Consideration is to enable you to maintain your academic progress despite adverse circumstances. Special Consideration is available on the understanding that it will be used sparingly and only where genuine need is proven. You may be …