
Search result(s) for hr

Physical and life sciences

Useful resources for physical and life sciencesChemistry databasesACS Publications Full text journals published by the American Chemical Society. Royal Society of Chemistry Journals Full text journals published by the Royal Society of Chemistry. Physics, optics and photonics databases Life sciences databases                                                                        Biology database (ProQuest) Subject coverage includes …


Useful resources for horticultureKey databasesEBSCOhostGale DatabasesAgricultureInformit National Construction Code SuiteSAGE knowledgeScienceDirect (Elsevier)Standards AustraliaMalaysian Standards Online Other resources by topicAgriculture CSIRO, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial ResearchOrganisationAustralia – Bureau of Meteorology (BOM)EnvironmentAustralia, Department of the Environment and EnergyHorticultureAustralian Institute of Horticulture IncIrrigation, Drainage, …

Environmental science and sustainability

Useful resources for environmental science and sustainability DatabasesScienceDirectFull text articles from major science journals.Wiley Online libraryFull text articles from major science journals. ScopusMajor database of scholarly literature in science.InformitMajor database platform of Australian material on all subjects.Biology database (ProQuest)Includes articles on biological …

Social and community services

Useful resources for social and community services Key databasesDatabases enable you to search for articles on a particular topic:EbscohostA platform for more than 40 databases, use this link to search across all of them or to select individual, or groups of, …


Useful resources for psychology Psychology databasesProQuest Psychology Journals (Proquest Central)Indexing more than 640 psychology titles, with more than 540 titles available in full text.Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection on EbscohostFull text from nearly 500 journals covering psychology and related subjects. Other recommended …


Useful resources for healthHealth Science DatabasesDatabases enable you to search for articles on a particular topic:EbscohostA platform for more than 40 databases, use this link to search across all of them or to select individual, or groups of, relevant databases …


Useful resources for telecommunicationsDatabasesIEEEXploreAccess to high quality technology journals.ScopusMajor database of covering all engineering disciplines.ACM Digital LibraryCovers all aspects of computer science, software and hardware.ScienceDirectLarge collection of scholarly journals in science and technology.Computers & Applied Sciences Complete (EBSCO)All aspects of …


Useful resources for standardsWhat is a standard?A standard is defined by Standards Australia as:‘Published documents setting out specifications and procedures designed to ensure products, services and systems are safe, reliable and consistently perform the way they were intended to. They …

Robotics and mechatronics

Useful resources for robotics and mechatronicsDatabasesACM Digital Library Publications of the Association for Computing Machinery.IEEEXplore Access to high quality technology journals.Scopus Major database covering all science and engineering disciplines.Science Direct Scholarly journals covering all engineering and science disciplines.Computers & Applied Sciences Complete (EBSCOhost) All aspects …


Useful resources for patentsDatabases Malaysian Intellectual Property Office (MyIPO)Malaysian’s intellectual property laws. Access to comprehensive and user-friendly information on intellectual property.EspacenetSearch and view the full text of patents. Includes UK and European patents and patents from individual European patenting authorities, World …