Credo referenceEbook database. Includes over 500 encyclopedias, dictionaries and biographies.Ebook Central (ProQuest)Includes ebooks on most subjects, including science, education, health, business and management, politics, psychology, history, computing and engineeringOxford AcademicPublished by Oxford University Press that covers multidisciplinary subjects.Taylor & Francis …
Australia/ NZ reference centre (EBSCOhost)Full text news database. Includes major Australian, New Zealand and international newspapers, AAP Australian national news wire and magazines.Australian public affairs – full text (Informit)Full text database. Subject coverage: Australian current and social affairs, social sciences and humanities, media, …
Federal Register of Legislation The authorised website for Commonwealth legislation. Includes Acts and Regulations (in force, point-in-time and as made) as well as Bills and Explanatory Memoranda (EMs) (1996-). ParlInfo search (Open Access)Australian Commonwealth Parliamentary information including hansards, bills, senate journals, …
Ebook Central (ProQuest)Ebook database. Ebooks on a wide range of subjects from a wide range of publishers. : Solving the problem of problem solving (Open Access)Search granted patents and applications from the US, Europe, Australia, and beyond. Full-text available …
Hein Online Full-text legal journals and other legal documents predominantly from the United States. Includes major international publications, some Australian law reviews, English Reports, Full Reprint (1220-1865) and US Reports (1754-2007). ICLR OnlineWebsite of the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for …
Criminal justice (Gale)Full text database covering all aspects of criminal justice in the United States. Criminal justice (ProQuest)Full text database. Subject coverage: criminal law, crime and its causes, legal and social implications of crime, litigation, crime trends and law enforcement. …
AGIS Plus TextFull text law database. Subject coverage: administrative law, banking, companies and securities, constitutional and copyright law, criminal, environmental and family law, human rights, international law, legal aid and trade practices. Includes Australian, New Zealand and Pacific law journals …
AUSTLII databasesFull text legislation, regulations, cases and legal resources for the Commonwealth and most Australian states.CCH iKnowConnectPreviously known as CCH Intelliconnect. Database of Australian cases, legislation, commentary and news on a diverse and broad range of practice areas including taxation, …
AGIS Plus Text (Informit)Full text law database. Subject coverage: administrative law, banking, companies and securities, constitutional and copyright law, criminal, environmental and family law, human rights, international law, legal aid and trade practices. Includes Australian, New Zealand and Pacific law …
Access Engineering (McGraw Hill)Engineering encyclopaedia. Subject coverage includes biomedical, chemical, civil, electrical, environmental, mechanical, materials and software engineering. Includes: Marks’ Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers (11th ed.), Perry’s Chemical Engineers Handbook (8th ed.), Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers (16th ed.). …