Swinburne’s Head of School of Business, Faculty of Business, Design and Arts Associate Professor Dr Lim Weng Marc was recently awarded the prestigious Higher Education Leadership Award (HELA) from Venus International Foundation Centre for Leadership Development.
Staff and students of Swinburne, as well as members of the public can look forward to participate in a range of exciting activities at the upcoming Swinburne’s Open Day to be held on 23 and 24 March 2019, from 10am to 5pm daily.
Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak held its orientation week on campus recently for more than 100 of its new first-year March intake students.
Google Scholar Scopus ORCID Biography Dr. Mark Tee received his BSc (Hons) in Computer Science from Coventry University in 2005 and served and intermittently contracted in the software development industry until 2018. He completed a Masters in Software Engineering (OUM) …
Google Scholar Scopus ORCID Biography Dr. Bing Shen How received his MEng(Hons) in Chemical Engineering from the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Nottingham (Malaysia Campus) in 2014. He further received his Ph.D. from the same …
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Energy is one of the core components in economic development. Like in many developing countries in the world, socio-economic development in rural communities has been one of the major focus areas in ensuring sustainable growth in Malaysia.
One of the many things enjoyed by design students, aside from not having to sit for exams, is their ability and opportunity to practice their design skill in real-world situation, even while still studying.
Swinburne’s Sarawak campus entered the new year with a positive note, achieving yet another excellent results in the ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) UK, December 2018 professional examination.
A delegation of 11 from UNIMAS led by Vice-Chancellor Professor Datuk Dr Mohamad Kadim Suaidi recently paid a courtesy visit to Swinburne’s Sarawak campus.