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Numerical study on performance improvement of solar cell using impurity photovoltaic effect

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Numerical Study of Heat Conduction and Temperature Profiles inside Nanostructures

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Numerical simulation and optimization of thermophotovoltaic energy conversion

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Sarawak Career and Training Fair – SCaT Fair 2019

Staff and students from the faculty joined hands to participate in this year’s SCaT Fair on 15-17 March 2019 at the Borneo Convention Center (BCCK). The faculty staff members and students had a great time engaging with members of the …

Final Year Research Project Conference

The conference is an exciting showcase of final year students’ year-long research projects, which are essential for students’ professional preparation for their ensuing careers. The conference started at 8:30a.m. with Dean opening address and the students proceeded to their respective …

Bright future ahead for over 300 Swinburne graduates

Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus today conferred awards to 311 graduates at the university’s 19th graduation ceremony held at Pullman Kuching.

The wide, wide world of chemical engineering

At the age of seventeen, the idea of deciding what to do with the rest of my life was quite daunting. I accidentally stumbled into chemical engineering by my sense of wonder and curiosity.

Swinburne and 9 industry partners present awards to 31 students

31 deserving students were awarded for their exceptional achievements by Swinburne and the university’s nine industry partners at the recent Best Student Awards ceremony held on campus.

Authentic learning experiences

Authentic is the word I would use to describe my first trip to Myanmar. When I exited the arrival hall at Yangon International Airport, I was immersed in a language I could not understand.

Soil Erosion Measurement and Modelling in Runoff from Cleared Land

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