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Transfer pricing and shifting taxes

To speed up the economic development of Malaysia, the government has opened its domestic market and invited multinational companies (MNCs) to come to Malaysia to do business.

Build it … and make them come?

In the iconic Kevin Costner movie Field of Dreams from 1989, a voice compels an Iowa farmer to turn his corn field into a baseball diamond.

Computing in healthcare

A university of technology focuses strongly on technologies.

Challenges and prospects of civil engineers in Sarawak

Civil engineering may seem a staid, tough and unglamorous profession to some, but it is a profession that deals with some of the world’s most pressing issues today.

Internet business – paradise for some, nightmare for others

Internet businesses are everywhere: banks provide us the convenience of e-banking, Air Asia is giving us e-travel and of course we all know e-Bay.

Good teaching – a viewpoint

Is there anyone that does NOT have an opinion about what good teaching is? Most people do, although it probably means different things to different people.

Engaging online user communities

Customer communities have spread like wildfire across the Internet.

Effective large group instruction at university

Large group instruction is one of the commonest methods used at college or university, as it lowers lecturer costs, capitalizes lecturer time and talent, and optimizes the use of professional quality resources.

Identity and language learning

Students’ language learning may be influenced by multiple reasons that are interwoven and which may involve their identity.

Progressive education for tertiary students

To achieve all their academic endeavors, tertiary students need to be treated as unique individuals who are an integral part of their society.