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Scientific ideas sometimes come full circle

In mathematics, we prove or falsify ideas and that is the end of it.

Real money from non-real stuff: The business of virtual goods

Social gaming is big business.

Quantum cascade laser – a novel light source

Lasers have been with us for 50 years.

Port and Offshore Geotechnics Seminar at Swinburne Sarawak

Dr C F Leung, a professor with the Department of Civil Engineering, National University of Singapore, will be conducting a one-day seminar entitled “Port and Offshore Geotechnics”.

50 years on, the laser shows no sign of retiring

Technologies are invented, developed and retired.

Swinburne Sarawak to hold Application Week

Students who have completed SPM, STPM, UEC or ‘A’ Level but have yet to enrol with any institutions for further studies will be pleased to know that Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus will hold an ‘Application Week’ from Monday to Saturday (14 to 19 June, 2010).

Human resource management – What is it, really?

Human resource management (HRM) has gained importance in today’s competitive and often unpredictable business environment.

The race against thalassemia

Thalassemia is one of the most prevalent genetically inherited diseases today.

There’s magic all around us

Modern wireless communications system, such as the mobile phone network, has grown to become an integral part of our everyday lives, enabling us to stay connected 24/7 anytime, anywhere.

Real-time flood forecasting and monitoring system

The most severe natural disasters in Malaysia are monsoonal floods and flash floods.