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Matching medication to a patient’s genetic

Imagine this: you’re at the doctor’s office after coming down with a fever.

Group talk as a way of learning

Rote-learning plays a vital role in acquiring skills and knowledge, especially for students reading mathematics and science, history and geography, and subjects where rules, facts and figures have to be memorised.

In pursuit of a successful student and teacher

There was once Hermione Granger’s doppelganger in my class.

Assessing research proposals

Government ministries, research councils, universities and other agencies connected with research assess research proposals frequently.

The modernization of Southeast Asian design

Since ancient times, man has been known to use art as a form of expression, communication and association.

The wonders of mechanical advantage

It was late morning.

Scientific discoveries – just a click away

While scientific discoveries may bring to mind images of scientists busily working in their labs, this is not always the case.

Oil spills – bugs to the rescue

Many of us will have by now heard about or even been affected by the current oil spill in Miri.

So, you want to be a designer?

“Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people” – Leo Burnett.

Public lecture on discovery of ‘diamond planet’ on 7 March

KUCHING – A team of international astronomers believe they may have found a once-massive star that has transformed into a small planet made of diamond. This is the subject of a public lecture which will be given by Professor Matthew …