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Scientific discoveries – just a click away

While scientific discoveries may bring to mind images of scientists busily working in their labs, this is not always the case.

Oil spills – bugs to the rescue

Many of us will have by now heard about or even been affected by the current oil spill in Miri.

So, you want to be a designer?

“Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people” – Leo Burnett.

Public lecture on discovery of ‘diamond planet’ on 7 March

KUCHING – A team of international astronomers believe they may have found a once-massive star that has transformed into a small planet made of diamond. This is the subject of a public lecture which will be given by Professor Matthew …

Simple school math and its importance to engineering

Everyone knows what a whole number (or integer) is.

Helping international students adjust

How do we react when we see an international student?

Companies value project with Swinburne Sarawak students

Companies which had engaged students from a university as consultants are impressed with the outcome of the venture, saying they have gained new ideas and a fresh perspective in the running of their businesses.

IT – making a difference in aquaculture

Information technology has often been utilized to solve numerous problems.

Taxes, the government and you

Every year millions of individuals and firms pay tax to the government.

Swinburne Sarawak graduates called to join new alumni chapter

Young professionals Victor Gan and Alexander Tho have appealed to the thousands of their fellow Swinburne University of Technology graduates to join them in founding a Swinburne Alumni Chapter for the first time in Sarawak.