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To copy or not to copy – the fine line of copyright

It has happened to many of us.

Reflections of a second-career academic researcher

To overcome the shortage of academics, business schools turn to industry to recruit professional executives and managers as academics to teach business subjects.

Purifying water with nano technology

By Dr Md Bazlul Mobin Siddique Water is undoubtedly a necessary and important resource. However, not many of us are bothered about the source of our water as most of us may have filters installed. Our concern for clean and …

Fighting bacteria Gulf War style

By Angelica Tan You might have noticed that a thin slimy layer forms on the inside of your water bottle if you’ve not cleaned it for some time. Contrary to popular belief, this is not algae but it is in …

The dark side of education

By James ChunHan Loi After four years of studies, in 1991 a group of Malaysian academicians from University of Malaya’s Faculty of Education published a report titled Extra-school instruction, social equity and educational quality. In that report, the academicians examined …

ICYMI, acronyms have invaded our lives

Some of us might not realise it, but we are so used to acronyms that we do not pay attention to them anymore.

Nasopharyngeal cancer: Sarawak’s silent killer

Cancer is a threat that most of us hope we will never experience

The persisting power of the pendulum

The pendulum is a deceptively simple piece of scientific wonder.

Detecting cancer through medical imaging

According to estimates from the International Agency for Research on Cancer, there were 14.1 million new cancer cases worldwide in 2012.

Shedding light on copyright

By Jacob Ting King SoonYou walk into a shop selling CDs and DVDs on any given day and you are greeted with rows and rows of neatly displayed and packaged discs, ranging from Fast & Furious 7 to Taylor Swift’s …