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Databases: T

Taylor & Francis ebooksIncludes all titles formerly included in CRCnetBASE. Subject coverage: engineering and technology, mathematics and statistics, chemistry, food science, computer science and information technology, physical, life, earth, environmental and health sciences, nursing and behavioural sciences. Taylor & Francis …

Databases: L

Latin America & Iberia Database (ProQuest)This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in many Latin American countries, Spain, and Portugal. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, …

Welcome message from Head of School

Welcome to School of Engineering and Science at Swinburne Sarawak. We offer undifferentiated Australian engineering degree courses in Civil Engineering, Construction Management, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics as well as Robotics and Mechatronics, at undergraduate [Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)] and …

School Facilities – Engineering and Science

Engineering and Science labs

Industry-Engaged Learning

Learn how Industry-engaged learning allows students to experiance the real work environement and gain competitive edge while studying.

General internships

Starting from 2006, students undertaking Computing, IT & Science degree are required to undergo a zero-credit module: “Career in Curriculum”. Under this module, students are equipped with career seeking skills such as: CV and Cover Letter writing, Interview Techniques, Working …


Find a faculty staff member, view their research interests and contact details.

Making a sustainable, more durable cement

Concrete is one of the most widely used synthetic materials in the world.

Turning folklore into mobile games

An eight-hour drive, pit stops in Kuching, Lachau and Engkilili, and a constant flow of Apai Saloi stories from my dad, pretty much sums up the journey I experienced as a kid when my family travelled from our hometown of Lundu to my dad’s village in Merindun in Lubok Antu for the Gawai (harvest) festival each year.

Student Guides