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Dr Christina Yin

Google Scholar Biography Christina has been a news anchor, broadcast and print journalist, assistant editor in publishing firms, freelance radio deejay, writer and columnist, communications officer for a conservation organisation, interviewer, voice-over artist, short story and creative nonfiction writer, and …

Multi-factor Authentication

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is an additional security step to verify your identity when you login to selected Swinburne applications and systems. This extra layer of security protects you and Swinburne from unauthorised access. To ensure the cyber security of our …

Security tips

Passwords Never share passwords with anyone Your username and passwords are what identifies you on the Swinburne network. It is therefore important that you protect this identity so that someone else cannot impersonate you on the network. It is against …

Spam filtering

What is spam? Spam is the term used to describe the electronic equivalent of junk mail, basically it is unsolicited mass email. Why do people send spam? In short, because it works. It is a cheap way to: Unscrupulously mass …

Identity theft

Identity theft – The crime of obtaining the personal or financial information of another for fraudulent use and/or gain. You need to be aware that your identity should be kept secure at all times. All it takes is someone knowing …

Databases: T

Taylor & Francis ebooksIncludes all titles formerly included in CRCnetBASE. Subject coverage: engineering and technology, mathematics and statistics, chemistry, food science, computer science and information technology, physical, life, earth, environmental and health sciences, nursing and behavioural sciences. Taylor & Francis …

Databases: L

Latin America & Iberia Database (ProQuest)This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in many Latin American countries, Spain, and Portugal. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, …

Welcome message from Head of School

Welcome to School of Engineering and Science at Swinburne Sarawak. We offer undifferentiated Australian engineering degree courses in Civil Engineering, Construction Management, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics as well as Robotics and Mechatronics, at undergraduate [Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)] and …

School Facilities – Engineering and Science

Engineering and Science labs

Industry-Engaged Learning

Learn how Industry-engaged learning allows students to experiance the real work environement and gain competitive edge while studying.