Google Scholar Scopus ORCID Biography Elammaran Jayamani is an Associate Professor and the Associate Dean of External Engagement and Impact in the Faculty of Engineering, Computing, and Science at Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus in Malaysia. A …
Google Scholar Scopus ORCID BiographyIr. Dr. Choo Chung Siung has 12 years of working in both academia and industry. He obtained his Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering (1st Class Honours) in 2010 from Swinburne University of Technology. …
Google Scholar Scopus ORCID Biography Associate Professor Dr. Chua received his B.Eng. (Hons) Degree in Communication and Control Engineering from UMIST, U.K. in 2002. After his first degree, he joined the Microwave Engineering group in the Department of Electrical …
Swinburne provides a safe work and learning environment for all our students, staff and visitors. Our campuses offer security services, including CCTV and security officers on campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week.Emergency assistanceDial 999 for police, ambulance …
Parking facility for motor vehicles and motorcycles on campus.