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Take me to the moon

The next Science2Society talk by Malaysian space entrepreneurs is about landing SE Asia’s first small-scale aircraft on the moon. What’s more, as part of the entry of the Google Lunar X Prize, 90% had to be privately funded and the engineers learnt fast about crowdfunding.

Balancing sustainability and profit in the palm oil industry

The frequent publicity on the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) in the local newspapers recently was somehow negatively portrayed for the organisation’s four-month suspension of a Malaysian oil palm conglomerate’s RSPO certification.

Liaison Librarians

Liaisons are your go-to librarians, connecting you to our library services and collections.  They provide information, teaching and research support to staff and students.Teaching at Swinburne?Read about the specialist advice we offer. Studying at Swinburne? Contact us for research and referencing help, or make an appointment …


Store and manage your references and create bibliographies in Word.

Investment in language learning

The term “investment” can not only be used in the financial world but is also applicable in language learning and an individual’s identity (a person’s views of him/herself based upon how s/he relates to society).

Has technology made mainstream microeconomics redundant?

Mainstream economics encompasses the fields of philosophy, psychology, and mathematics that attempt to quantify evidence for scientific tests and analysis.

Human governance – a new paradigm for sustainability

During the 2008 global financial crisis the collapse of an unprecedented number of corporations, including multinational financial institutions, was attributed to weak corporate governance.

Must good teachers of English be native speakers?

In this globalised age, there is a growing recognition of different varieties of English.

Dr. Pan Zheng

Biography Pan Zheng is currently a lecturer in Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science, Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak (SUTS). He obtained his B.IT(Hons) from Multimedia University in 2003, M.Sc. and Ph.D. in computer science from University of Science Malaysia …

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