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Project management

This programme introduces the managerial process for the attainment of project’s goals based on the three criteria of time, budget and scope. You will go through the fundamentals of project management; administration, monitoring, conducting and appraisal of a project. This …

Certified InterviewPro in Management

MRS Management Sdn Bhd is a certified partner of Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak. They are an experienced training provider that have been around since 1989, providing top-notch training programmes and courses for corporate clients as well as for entrepreneurs aspiring to bring their businesses to new heights.

When Medical Practitioners Get It Wrong

The issue of medical negligence has been a widely debated area in Malaysia especially in the recent years as the number of these cases has been rising uncontrollably.

From Ridge to Reef – a story of connections and friendship

Oceans are a significant source of oxygen for our planet and are instrumental in regulating Earth’s climate.

Becoming a Nation of Data Professionals

According to the Forbes magazine, by year 2025 most of the world’s major companies will collectively generate approximately 180 zettabytes of data.

Critical Thinking in Management

This programme demonstrates how effective thinking can lead to better decisions being made. Well thought decisions, either small or large, gives greater confidence in pursuing and achieving management excellence.You will be guided on how theories and practice go hand-in-hand, through …

Certified AdminPro in Management

Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak is pleased to announce that this 3-day executive training programme is now open for registration.This HRDF-claimable certification programme is designed to give the participants an enhanced learning platform through the use of a variety of …

Design thinking to the core

Design has largely been misunderstood as the superficial, aesthetic elements attached to a product at the end of the process to make it look good and appealing – in short, design is an after-thought.

Swinburne Celebrates Research Conference

In the lead-up to the forthcoming Swinburne Celebrates Research Conference (being held in Melbourne in June), some of our Swinburne Sarawak research students and early career researchers will be speaking about the research they are proposing to present at the conference. All are welcome to attend.

Swinburne Engineering Students Use LinkedIn for Learning, Collaboration & Professional Growth

In today’s interconnected world, social media has become an important part of our daily lives.