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Swinburne’s new Bachelor of Media and Communication caters to global digital demand

A flexible degree programme that enables students to combine social media with design, marketing, management, and information technology is one of the main features of Swinburne’s new Bachelor of Media and Communication programme.

Swinburne Sarawak Uni Discovery Month Starter Pack Giveaway Terms and Conditions

Congratulations on your acceptance to Swinburne Sarawak! In celebration of Swinburne’s Uni Discovery month, here’s your chance to obtain a university starter pack!Information on how to enter forms part of these Terms and Conditions. By entering, entrants agree to be …

Get a taste of university life with Swinburne Uni Discovery Month

The month-long Uni Discovery Month event will give prospective students a taste of exciting things to come when they enrolled into Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus.

The nanotechnology response towards COVID-19 pandemic

We cannot deny the impact of COVID-19 pandemic. To date, infection and fatality rates are still on the rise. We are still unable to travel freely, meet up with others or hold big gatherings as often as we used to.

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Master of Arts (Research)

A Master by Research degree enables you to demonstrate mastery of inquiry in a field of a discipline or profession.

Begin your Foundation and Diploma classes at Swinburne with zero fees

Students who undertake Foundation and Diploma programmes at Swinburne have the opportunity to enter directly into any degree programmes of their choice upon successful completion of their pre-university programmes.

Global pandemic: What about quality?

Phew! Reflecting back, what a year it has been. It was definitely not the year we visualised back in school years or when we were younger.

Start your degree study at Swinburne this 1 March

Prospective students who are keen to commence their degree study on 1 March 2021 at Swinburne are encouraged to take advantage of the current ongoing application week.

2nd Swinburne Sarawak Postgraduate Research Conference (SSPRC)

School of Research is pleased to announce the 2nd Swinburne Sarawak Postgraduate Research Conference (SSPRC), which will be held virtually on 12 & 13 August 2021 at Swinburne University of Technology, Sarawak via MS Teams.  Among the activities during this conference will be Keynote Speeches and the Best Paper and Best Poster Awards.