24 March 2014

Swinburne Sarawak holds Pre-U Open Day this Saturday and Sunday

KUCHING – To help SPM school-leavers and their parents make better-informed choices about higher education, Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus will be holding a pre-university Open Day on 29 and 30 March.

During the two-day event from 10am to 5pm, the university offers consultation on foundation courses and pathway to degree studies, career guidance as well as assistance with financial aid.

Display and demonstration of a range of students’ work help to give visitors an idea of what the courses involve.

Intake for foundation courses at the university is 7 April. Application is now open for courses in business, design, engineering/science and IT/multimedia. These courses lead to degree studies in only one year. Those who begin their studies in the upcoming term will be able to proceed to degree courses early next year.

Required for application are SPM result slip and identity card. Processing fee for applications made during the two days will be waived.

A talk on courses and their career prospects by senior academics from 11am to 12pm helps students and parents make better decision on the choice of study, while a quick “personality and career” test is available to those undecided on their career path. As a guide, trained counselors from the university will use the result of the test to provide advice on suitable courses.

Queries on and application for scholarships and study loans may be directed to a booth managed by PTPTN, Yayasan Sarawak and Swinburne Sarawak.

To learn more about the facilities and services available, a campus tour may be requested. Visitors may also take part in the fun and games at a student carnival and witness the launching of Swinburne Sarawak’s new corporate colour by Chief Minister Tan Sri Datuk Amar (Dr) Haji Adenan Bin Haji Satem on 29 March.

Media Enquiries

David Teng
Assistant Manager, Industry and Alumni Engagement

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