18 August 2011

SMEs invited to take part in consultancy project with Swinburne Sarawak students

KUCHING – Small-medium enterprises based in the city are invited to take part in a project where final-year business undergraduates from Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus are engaged as their consultants.

The students will assume the role of business analysts and consultants, and advise participating companies on the issues assigned to them within the domain of business studies such as marketing, human resource, strategic management and project management.

The 12-week project is part of a three-year business degree subject called “Industry consulting project” which will be introduced for the first time by the university next month.

The unit requires the students to be assigned real-life projects in order to prepare them for work in industry.

“The students will work in small teams, focusing on an issue identified by participating companies and will be supervised by a panel of qualified academics who have the relevant expertise and industrial experience. Finally, the teams will recommend specific solutions to participating companies,” said Professor Debiprasad Dash who heads the School of Business and Design at Swinburne Sarawak.

“The advantage for these companies is the acquisition of a fresh perspective and new ideas on an issue relevant to their businesses,” said Dash, adding that it also gives the companies an opportunity to identify a future employee from among the students working with them on the project.

“So, this is a win-win endeavour for both the undergraduates and the companies involved,” he said.

Companies interested to take part in the project may contact Alex Ng of the School of Business and Design, Swinburne Sarawak, on 082-416 353 or email to hng@swinburne.edu.my


Media Enquiries

David Teng
Assistant Manager, Industry and Alumni Engagement

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