KUCHING – Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus’ School of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) has conducted ICT workshops for secondary schools, with this being the seventh year of doing so.
The workshops, held in March and April this year, were aimed at introducing to the school students the higher level of application and knowledge related to Information Technology (IT), which is a field of technology that is always undergoing rapid changes and affects the way we live and work.
A total of 226 participants from six schools took part in the event. The six participating schools were namely SMK Batu Lintang, SMK Kuching High, SMK St Joseph, SMK Datuk Patinggi Haji Abdul Gapor, SMK St Joseph Private and Lodge School.
The holistic goal of this activity was to stimulate young minds to be more interested and excited about the dynamic world of IT, a field of science that is relentlessly engulfing almost every aspect of human lives.
After attending the workshops, the school students were able to gain a better understanding of the subjects and therefore be better equipped with the relevant knowledge to participate in any ICT-related competitions.
The ICT workshops offered had three topics:
- Internet of Things (IoT): The interconnection via the Internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data.
- Web Development (Mobile Platform): Create and design a web page by using HTML and CSS as well as applying the effects that are available.
- Data Science: Data science equips students with the skills to analyse data in order to make more intelligent decisions. Today, data scientists are among the most sought-after and lucrative professions. As such, it is essential to expose students to the fundamentals of data science early in school.