Useful resources for telecommunications
Access to high quality technology journals.
Major database of covering all engineering disciplines.
ACM Digital Library
Covers all aspects of computer science, software and hardware.
Large collection of scholarly journals in science and technology.
Computers & Applied Sciences Complete (EBSCO)
All aspects of computer science and engineering.
Telecommunications database (ProQuest)
All aspects of telecommunications, radio, television and computerapplications.
Computer Networks (Science Direct)
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ACM Digital Library)
IEEE Communications Magazine (IEEE Xplore)
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials
Telecommunication Systems (ProQuest)
Emerging Telecommunications Technology (Wiley Online Library)
Encyclopedias and ebook collections
Taylor & Francis (Previously is CRCnetBASE)
Ebooks on topics in engineering, science and technology.
Ebooks on topics in engineering, science and technology.
Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security (SpringerLink)
Encyclopedia of Telecommunications ( Wiley Online Library)
Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering (Wiley Online Library)