Useful resources for management and human resources
Key Resources
Business Source Complete on EBSCOhost searches can be limited to scholarly, peer reviewed journals.
Proquest from key journals, news publications, and videos to critical market research, company profiles, business plans, working papers, and small business resources
Informit Online search all Informit business databases, specialised
Australian content
See the Psychology Subject Guide ( not yet link ) for databases covering the psychological aspects of management, leadership and organisations, including articles, conferences and psychological tests.
Wiley encyclopedia of management (2014) Cooper, C. (Ed.) Wiley, 3rd edn.
CCH law libraries includes: discrimination law, employment and HR law, industrial relations and OHS law.
Encyclopedia of management theory (2013) E. H. Kessler (Ed.).
Thousand Oaks, Calif. : SAGE.
This work is designed to serve as a core reference for anyone interested in the essentials of contemporary management theory.
Handbook of human resource development (2014) Wiley.
A collection of chapters sponsored by the Academy of Human Resource Development to address the fundamental concepts and issues that HR professionals face daily.