Useful resources for marketing and advertising
Academic sources
Business Source Complete BSC contains scholarly articles from journals such as Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of International Marketing, and Harvard Business Review. Also includes trade press and news sources.
Proquest from key journals, news publications, and videos to critical market research, company profiles, business plans, working papers, case studies and small business resources.
Journal articles, book chapters, case studies and reading lists from Emerald publishing.
Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing (2010) John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Other sources
IBISWorld Industry Reports
Information on a range of industries. Includes industry size, growth, major players, key success factors, segmentation and ratios.
Marketline Advantage is a database of global information on 30,000 companies, 3,500 industry profiles in 200+ countries, 110+ company focused strategic case studies, daily company news and financial deals.
WARC World Advertising Research Centre Provides information across all areas of marketing communications, with a focus on the promotion of best practice, effectiveness and efficiency. It includes full text research reports, case studies and journal articles.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics has information about The Economy.
For a demographic profile of your target market in Australia, use QuickStats and Community profiles. For more complex requirements use TableBuilder.
For overseas demographics and market share, use Marketline. For country overviews, see Business Source Complete, Marketline.
See also the Industry and market analysis link to this guide searching guide and checklist, for information about companies see the Companies subject guide.