Advanced Manufacturing Technology

Useful resources for advanced manufacturing technologyDatabasesScopusMajor engineering database covering all engineering disciplinesEmeraldPeer-reviewed research journals in the areas of managing quality, operations and logistics management and advanced automation and prototypingIEEE XploreAccess to high quality technology journals, conference papers and ebooks, with …

Useful resources for advanced manufacturing technology


Major engineering database covering all engineering disciplines

Peer-reviewed research journals in the areas of managing quality, operations and logistics management and advanced automation and prototyping

IEEE Xplore
Access to high quality technology journals, conference papers and ebooks, with topics like manufacturing, automation and production engineering

Contains authoritative titles about science, technology and engineering

ProQuest Research Library: Science and Technology
Contains both scholarly journals and trade press about manufacturing technologies and materials


Assembly Automation ( Emerald)

Computer Aided Design ( Science Direct)

Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries (Wiley)

IEEE / ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (IEEE Xplore)

International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (Springer Link)

Journal of Materials Processing Technology ( Science Direct)

Materials & Design (Materials & Design)

Metallurgical and materials transactions A: Physical metallurgy and materials science (ProQuest)

Metallurgical and materials transactions B: Process metallurgy andmaterials processing science (Springerlink)

Mineral processing & extractive metallurgy (Institution of Mining & Metallurgy Transactions: Section C) (Taylor & Francis Online)

Rapid Prototyping Journal (Emerald insight)

Surface and Coatings Technology (Science Direct)


Manufacturing engineering handbook, 2nd edn (2016) (Credo Reference)

Handbook of manufacturing engineering and technology (2015) (Credo Reference )

Designing Capable and Reliable Products (2001) KnovelĀ 

Additive manufacturing technologies: 3D printing, rapid prototyping, and direct digital manufacturing, 2nd edn (2016) ( Knovel)

Set text for ADM80004 Sustainable Design and Manufacture. And there are more available via our Ebooks subject guide.

Dictionaries and encyclopedias

Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology (Wiley Online Library)


Australian Advanced Manufacturing Council Resources section