Total News: 182
Faculty of Engineering organised an invited talk on the topic of “History
This event is a forum titled career as a Chemical Engineer, a
Dr. How Bing Shen, our chemical engineering lecturer in Swinburne University of
James Loi and Shella Beatrice, lecturers at the School of Foundation Studies,
Twenty-two students participated in the “Creative Writing Workshop” organised by the School
The Swinburne Sarawak Green Club celebrated International Orang-utan Day with an online
KUCHING – Swinburne Sarawak’s IChemE Student Chapter has been awarded the “Highly
On 8th and 9th September 2021, the virtual accreditation visit for Chemical
A Webinar Internship Preparation Session headed by Dr Elaine Yeu successfully took
The School of Foundation Studies (SoFS) was joined by the Faculty of