In light of the Movement Control Order (MCO, IEM-SSSS has decided to try out online activities via Kahoot. They name the event as Virtual Kahoot. Kahoot is an online educational quiz platform and free for everyone. It requires a screen to show the questions while students, who are connected to the internet, may use their phone to select their answers (Basically their phones become a remote control for the questions).
IEM-SSSS has tried using Zoom, Youtube live and twitch to host this but with Zoom, there is a time limit of 40 minutes per session if there are more than three participants whereas with Youtube Live and Twitch, the latency delay is just too much (upwards of 8-10 seconds).
Kahoot is a real time competitive platform and any delays will make it unfair for everyone.
Finally, the organising committees tested it on Discord and found it is perfect as there is less lag (reported lag of between 0 – 2 seconds) delay – and compensated that with extra time for each question.
The questions were designed based on several categories: IEM, IEM-SSSS, Engineering, General, Swinburne Sarawak and end with one universal feedback question.
A total of 90 questions were generated and split into three sessions so the participants will not feel burnt out while still being able to join whenever they want. After all was done, the winners (1st, 2nd and 3rd) will email to the organising committees with their Student ID and a screenshot of their in game name as proof so to receive their prize (cash and certificate) in person when they are allowed to go back on campus.
IEM-SSSS has tried using Zoom, Youtube live and twitch to host this but with Zoom, there is a time limit of 40 minutes per session if there are more than three participants whereas with Youtube Live and Twitch, the latency delay is just too much (upwards of 8-10 seconds).
Kahoot is a real time competitive platform and any delays will make it unfair for everyone.
Finally, the organising committees tested it on Discord and found it is perfect as there is less lag (reported lag of between 0 – 2 seconds) delay – and compensated that with extra time for each question.
The questions were designed based on several categories: IEM, IEM-SSSS, Engineering, General, Swinburne Sarawak and end with one universal feedback question.
A total of 90 questions were generated and split into three sessions so the participants will not feel burnt out while still being able to join whenever they want. After all was done, the winners (1st, 2nd and 3rd) will email to the organising committees with their Student ID and a screenshot of their in game name as proof so to receive their prize (cash and certificate) in person when they are allowed to go back on campus.