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Clarice Chua Sze Wee

MBA(I), B.Bus (HRM) (SUTS)

Faculty of Business, Design and Arts

Fax No:+60 82 260 815
Room No: B331
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Clarice is a lecturer in the Faculty of Business, Design and Art at Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak. She is currently completing her PhD at Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak, funded by a full scholarship and stipend from Monash University. With a background in business and a research focus on social science, Clarice specializes in aging studies, technology adoption, and human resource management. Her research explores how older adults engage with mobile technology for seamless aging, addressing barriers and enablers of digital adoption to improve accessibility and inclusivity.

She also holds a Master of Business Administration (International) and a Bachelor of Business, majoring in Human Resource Management, from Swinburne University. During her postgraduate studies, she worked as a part-time lecturer, teaching media analytics, data visualization, and sustainability challenges in science. Her teaching approach seamlessly integrates theoretical knowledge with practical applications. She incorporates Python programming, data visualization (e.g., Tableau), and scientific research writing to equip students with essential analytical skills.

Beyond that, Clarice has contributed to multiple research initiatives, including UNICEF projects, and the AGELESS project–a longitudinal study on cognitive frailty funded by the Malaysia Ministry of Higher Education–where she has played a key role in data collection, training and stakeholder engagement. Her research has been presented at international conference, including the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, and published in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings on aging and technology adoption. She has also co-authored three book chapters on the digital transformation of healthcare services in Asia, focusing on the role of AI, Big Data, and Blockchain in healthcare.

Research Interests

  • Aging and technology adoption
  • Digital transformation and accessibility
  • Human resource management
  • Business sustainability and social impact
  • AI, Big Data and Blockchain in healthcare

Teaching Area

  • Business Management
  • Sustainability in business

Research Outputs

Journal articles

Conference paper and presentation

  • C. S. W. Chua, W. M. Lim, P. -L. Teh and S. Pedell, “Older Adults’ Evaluations of Mobile Apps: Insights from a Mobility App-based Solution,” 2022 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2022, pp. 1159-1163,

Book chapter

  • Brian Kee Mun Wong, Mark Kiak Min Tan, Clarice Sze Wee Chua, Munita Kaur, Chapter 14 – Ethical and legal considerations in digital healthcare ecosystems: The Malaysian experience. Editor(s): Patricia Ordóñez De Pablos, Mohammad Nabil Almunawar, Muhammad Anshari, In Information Technologies in Healthcare Industry, Digital Healthcare, Digital Transformation and Citizen Empowerment in Asia-Pacific and Europe for a Healthier Society, Academic Press, Volume 5, 2025, pp. 287-304, ISBN 9780443301681,
  • Brian Kee Mun Wong, Thinaranjeney Thirumoorthi, Clarice Sze Wee Chua, Chapter 1 – Impact of digital health on main stakeholders in the healthcare industry, Editor(s): Patricia Ordóñez De Pablos, Xi Zhang, In Information Technologies in Healthcare Industry, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Blockchain and 5G for the Digital Transformation of the Healthcare Industry, Academic Press, 2024, pp. 3-20, ISBN 9780443215988,
  • Brian Kee Mun Wong, Sivakumar Vengusamy, Clarice Sze Wee Chua, Chapter 15 – Digital transformation of healthcare services and infrastructure in Asia: the metaverse bound?, Editor(s): Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos, In Information Technologies in Healthcare Industry, Digital Healthcare in Asia and Gulf Region for Healthy Aging and More Inclusive Societies, Academic Press, 2024, Pages 283-305, ISBN 9780443236372,
