Alcohol is the most widely used recreational drug in Australia. Many social activities as adults, and particularly social events associated with studying, often involve the consumption of alcohol. ‘Drinking’ or ‘getting drunk’ tends to be considered normal and not particularly harmful, however consuming large amounts of alcohol in a relatively short space of time, known as “Binge Drinking”, is known to have some negative and sometimes serious effects on your body, and can expose you to potential risks you may otherwise avoid. You may be aware of the short-term consequences of binge drinking, such as hangovers, nausea and memory loss. Some longer-term side effects, however, include a psychological dependence on alcohol, damage to your brain and liver, as well as other emotional and relationship problems.
It is recommended that a safe level of alcohol consumption is no more than 2 standard drinks per day for men, and 1 standard drink for women. More information about what constitutes a standard drink can be obtained from the sites listed below.
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